Ang manamit nga sabor nga gin dakuan mo!



A study by Quevedo et al. (2013) revealed the potential health benefits of using the Batuan as a souring agent. Here are some:

Rich in Antioxidants

Just like with the other member of its family, the Mangosteen, Batuan fruit is high in antioxidants, which can help to protect the body from free radical damage and reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

Has Anti-inflamatory Properties

In India, dried Batuan fruits were used by ancient Indians in treating different types of diseases because of their medicinal properties. It contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve inflammations in the body. (SOURCE)

Boosts Immunity

Batuan is rich in vitamin C, which can help to boost our immune system and to the overall body’s health. (SOURCE)

Aids Digestion

The fiber content of Batuan fruit helps to improve digestion and can help to prevent constipation. (SOURCE)

Controls Blood Sugar

In the 2017 Regional Invention Contest and Exhibit (RICE), student researchers Leann Patrice Ganzon and Anne Nicole Occeña, both in Grade 10 in a Special Science Class at the Iloilo National High School, looked at the therapeutic potential of Batuan in preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus and their study  It was judged the best in Western Visayas for Student Creative Research for High School.

The study found that the leaf and fruit of Batuan are potential remedies for lowering postprandial hyperglycemia, a common diabetes complication that happens after eating resulting in abnormally high blood glucose or blood sugar level. The study also looked into the biologically active content of Batuan and how its antioxidant properties counter the production of free radicals that damage cells. Further research can be done on this so that batuan may one day join the list of Philippine medicinal plants approved by the Department of Health. (SOURCE)

Manages Weight Loss

Here is also an interesting study in 2016 by Loraine Bainto of UP Los Baños on the isolation and stability of hydroxycitric acid from Batuan.  Hydroxycitric acid is a compound with anti-obesity property and is commonly extracted from Garcinia cambogia, a tree belonging to the same genus as batuan. Results revealed that the extracted acid from batuan ranges from 4.81 to 4.83 g/100 g sample therefore batuan is a potential source of hydroxycitric acid.

These studies are not yet conclusive but they show that batuan has potential use in medicine. There is also another study which determined the physicochemical properties, nutritional and sensory quality of Batuan in different stages of fruit maturity. This study by Elizabeth Quevedo of Visayas State University is important for future research for possible product development. I’m happy to note that she used my article as one of her references. (SOURCE)

Promotes Heart Health

Eating fresh Batuan can reduce the cholesterol levels in the body, which is good and has beneficial effects for people who have hypertension. (SOURCE)

What Our Customers Say

Read the testimonials by our customers to find out more about our Batuan product

Pablo Gonzalez

Very unique, yet distinctive taste. Exactly what I was looking for as natural pampaasim.

Jennifer Ramos

Yung lasang hinahanap ko noon pa. Wala kasi ‘to as Manila.

Eveline Wagner

As a kababayan based abroad, I am blessed to have found Batuan in powder. Yehey!


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Cooking with Natural Batuan Powder

Exploring the Benefits of Batuan Fruit

Batuan: A Versatile Fruit for Flavorful and Authentic Filipino Dishes

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